Nombre de messages : 1857
| Sujet: Brassbowl XIV, 10-11 décembre 2016, à Ostende (Belgique) Dim 27 Nov 2016 - 13:14 | |
|é par Dries, l'organisateur de l'Euro2014 je vais bientôt commencer les négo pour y aller - driesfield a écrit:
- The rules for Brassbowl XIV
Star players allowed, you can have 10 players and a star player! No wizards, except halfling masterchef at 100k Goblin bribes at 50k, other teams can buy a bribe at 100k We use the CRP-rules with the 3 extra teams (Slann, Chaos Pact, Underworld)
The adjusted rules released with the new box are NOT in effect.
Tier 1: (5 spps) 1,150,000gcs Amazon, Chaos dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf
Tier 2: (7 spps): 1,200,000gcs High Elf, Elf, Human, Necromantic
Tier 3: (9 spps): 1,250,000gcs Nurgle, Slann, Vampire, Underworld, Khemri, Chaos Pact, Chaos
Tier 4: (11 spps): 1,300,000gcs Goblins, Halflings, Ogres
1spp: skill on a player 3spps: 2 skills on same player 4 spps: 1 double & 1 regular skill on different (non big guy) players. 4 spps: 1 double on a Big Guy.
A player can't get two skills unless the second option (3 spps) is used.
All skills must be allocated on Saturday before the draw for the first match is known. No extra skills are given on Sunday.
All casualties caused by throw a rock and crowd pushes count for the most casualty award, next to the ones which would earn spps in a regular league game.
Round 1: 10h15 to 12h30 Round 2: 13h to 15h15 Round 3: 15h15 to 17h30
On Sunday round 4: 10h to 12h15 round 5: 13h tot 15h15
Ceremony at 15h30
The Venue: Zaal Nieuwland Nieuwlandstraat 76 8400 Oostende
Prices for top3, most TD, most cas, best painted, wooden spoon and best Sunday comeback
Tiebreakers are total score, opponent score, most TD’s, net TD’s, most cas, net cas
Points are 5 for a big win (2TDs differnce), 4 for a small win (1TD difference), 2 for a draw, 1 for a small loss (1TD difference) and 0 for a big loss (2 or more Tds difference)
Registration fee is 12€ before december the 1st, after it's 15€. The money can be transferred to my accoun (Dries Goutsmit) be 14 979532790083 Also add your name and "Brassbowl"
The Hotel has given us a deal for that weekend. A double room costs 71€ for 1 night (35.5€ pp) and a single room costs 61€ for a night. Both options have breakfast included in the price. Contact me if you want a room at the hotel (hotel Royal Astrid Oostende)
Prizes are sponsored by Willy Miniatures!
List of attending players:
1° Magictobe 2° PeterD (P) *2 3° Arioso (P) *2 4° Rotersternhochdahl (P) *2 5° Lycos *2 6° JBone *2 7° Wulfyn *2 8° VMCat *2 9° Joemanji *2 10 Twyllenimore (P) *2 11° Elminster 12° Woete 13° Nuffles_pimp *1 14° Jelmer *1 15° Gninocker 16° Araznaroth (P) *1 17° Sjapie 18° Driesfield 19° JJ 20° Xod 21° Gesmachiene 22° Hellboy (P) 23° Lesboy_dummy 24° Ploppy_McPlop *1 25° Miloquaser *1 26° El_Hombre? 27° Nielsdb *1
Legend: People with a star (*) followed by a number have a room at the hotel with the number the nights booked. (P) means paid le tournoi sera très international, car - comme d'hab - il y a plein d'anglais et d'hollandais qui viennent! (ils ont réservé une chambre) comme d'hab, ça sera surement encore un champion d'europe qui le gagnera (à moins que!) | |