- Iron Golems a écrit:
Nous aimerions être présents dans le forum pour présenter nos nouveaux produits à la communauté française directement.
I saw that you find the correct topic to talk about your probox. You will find lots of fans here of your previous dwarfs team too.
https://teamfrancebb.1fr1.net/t4032-iron-forgers - Iron Golems a écrit:
Pas parler français donc si constitue pas un problème, nous allons utiliser l'anglais dans nos messages.
This french community is almost fluent in bad english
We will translate your messages without any problems. We will be happy to have first hand messages from your compagny.
I have pledged your probox with two teams and a scenery pack, so i'm happy to spread your kickstarter around my community to get as many strech goals as possible
Good luck with this campaign and we'll keep in touch for the next Ork team !