Bonjour à tous : voici les premières moutures en anglais pour le tournoi organisé par Patxo à La Rioja ...
La traduction arrive très vite : amateurs de bon vin et de bonne bouffe réservez dès maintenant votre Week End du 1er et 2 Septembre !!!
Starting from the end: RYNNAIR (and other companies) FLIES FROM THE NEARBY AIRPORTS IN BILBAO AND ZARAGOZA!! May be is cheaper for you to come to this tournamet in wine harvest season than staying a weekend at home!!
The Count Lucius Von Tintorrus invites you to taste his hospitility, September the 1st & 2nd in Villabuena de Álava (Rioja-Spain). His halflings are willing to see more Bloodbowl!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad
Price 50 € for Naf members 55 € for no Naf.
The tournament, will include a bed with no blanquets (sleeping bags please) in the count's castle and also a miniature from the count himself, as a reminder of his hospitality and magnificence. >> >> >>
Saturday's meals, wine, lunch and dinner and more wine at the winery's restaurant Despensa de Arabarte: ... 3602031445
One will be tapas meal and the other a proper set menu still to be defined Laughing Laughing
If someone wants to come with family and not sleeping at the count's home we can offer alternative lodgings.
More news to come the following months.
Same for the web,...
Same for the tournament rules,... Surprised Surprised Surprised
>> >> >> (Really the count is completely nuts and suffers from alucinations, the place he calls his caslte is a chapel in the countiside with litters for 12 people and a wine harvesters pavillion for another 12, but that's what we have! If some one preffers another place to sleep there are plenty nearby with a variety of prices,...)
We can give you a hand with that!
Important RYNNAIR FLIES FROM THE NEARBY AIRPORTS IN BILBAO AND ZARAGOZA!! May be is cheaper for you to come to this tournamet in wine harvest season than staying a weekend at home!!
Ca y est : les inscriptions sont ouvertes !!!
déjà 5 inscrits : les 24 premiers seulement seront logés !!!!
dépêchez vous , je peux vous le dire : le cadre est magnifique ; ça vaut le coup Smile