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 24 septembre : patatonia cup (vignobles de rioja)

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24 septembre : patatonia cup (vignobles de rioja) Empty
MessageSujet: 24 septembre : patatonia cup (vignobles de rioja)   24 septembre : patatonia cup (vignobles de rioja) Icon_minitimeVen 5 Aoû 2011 - 15:46

Au vu de l'accueil toujours chaleureux que nous font nos voisins espagnols , je tiens à citer Txapo ici

Il fait un travail vraiment remarquable !

La région du tournoi a l'air superbe et je pense prendre contact pour y passer le week end en famille (le tournoi de BB se déroulant sur une seule journée !)

txapo a écrit:
Hi guys!!

On the 24th September we are doing a Naf tournament at his gourgeous site in the midle of Rioja vineyards during the harvesting season:

Is a one day tournament: 30 € fee for naf members 35 € non naf. 4 games and Meal with as much wine as you want includeed.

Exclusive Willy miniature's character has been already comissioned.

It could be arranged for a family/romantic holiday/long weekend with a saturday of Bloodbowl? And of course I can give you a hand at booking wine tastings, tapas/pintxo making workshop and visits to other winerys, and other historical, cultural visits...

Nearby airports: Bilbao, Zaragoza (Rynnair mostly), Pamplona

If interested don't hesitate contacting me!

we have a website ready!!!

If some one is coming that needs translation I will translate it here, but unless such is the case, I rather don't do the job!!!

Petit point sur les règles et jolies photos de la fig donnée aux participants et qui devrait en allécher plus d'un ^^

txapo a écrit:
Hereby I present the very famous "EL CAPITÁN RIOJA" WM limited series miniature that will be given to the tournament's participants.

He is famous for playing completely drunk with his leather bag of tinto wine and after scoring ofering the ball to the public as in a toast!!! (after drinking).

Only there will be 150 of this miniature. I keep 100 for the tournamet's participants and my personal use. Willy Miniatures will sell the remaning 50.

Special tournament rule: as the patatonia cup this year includes meal and as much free wine as you can drink during the meal, we supose everybody will be in pretty bad shape for the last two games, so: if you roll a 3 at kick off riot does not happens, instead a drunken halfling from the public thinks he is possesed by the spirit of "El capitán Rioja", and runs from the defendig TD area into the pitch in order to help the defending team to score.
Due the amount of tintorro he has drunk he is not a normal halfling but: has all the stats and skills that Puggy does (lonner included), and the following negative trait. 🚬

DRUNKNESS: he has to roll as a vamp or big guy after declaring and action, in case he gets a 1 fails to conduct the action and he stumbles 3 1D8 dice as a scatter ball instead. If in his way he colides with a BB player he simply is slighty pushed to the last empty square and falls to the floor unharmed. Where he stays sleeping until the drive ends, and he gets send off by the referee. :puke: :puke:

24 septembre : patatonia cup (vignobles de rioja) Jugadorestrellaproceso4

Voici une liste d'hotels transmise par Txapo

les hotels sur place sont un peu hors de prix , laguardia est un peu loin aussi un bon compromis semble de dormir sur Samaniego
Je viens de réserver 2 chambres à la molinera etxea indiquée ci-dessous Very Happy ça a l'air génial !!!
du coup j'y reste tout le week end avec ma femme et nos trois enfants (ils vont réviser leur espagnol Wink

txapo a écrit:
There are many options if you do a hotel serch in internet you probably find nice offers for the week end I point you a few but any in the area near Villabuena will do it:

Expensive exclusive Hotels in the area:
not so posh but posh still:
other hotels in Laguardia: (this one is not so expensive, new and very nice)

cheaper ones in Laguardia too: (few rooms, is actually a restaurant)

another cheap one do a serch for "casa pachico laguardia"

and finally you have as well a rural guest house in Samaniego 2 Km away from Villabuena wich can be the most interesting option price quality, but is only 6 rooms.

PS : est ce que quelqu'un pourrait traduire ça noir sur blanc s'il vous plait ? Je pense le faire mais ça va me bloquer un temps fou avec maman qui rale déjà sur le temps que je consacre au BB et que la pelouse se tond pas toute seule , etc ..Wink lol
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24 septembre : patatonia cup (vignobles de rioja)
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