Hello again!
And again sorry for the inconvenience to not post in french. I will present here my ideas for the future NAF two years.
I think it is more confortable for some people to just read it here in your country forum. I hope if you agree with them, will support my candidature.
Thank you a lot for your attention.
I was born in Barcelona, October 11th of 1981. I live near the city in El Prat de Llobregat (65000 people small city) with my girlfriend.
I’ve been playing Bloodbowl since 1999, when LBN (our league: wwwLBNweb.com) was founded, and playing Bloodbowl tournaments since 2005 in particular. LBN is actually in its 17th season. We have other LBN side events like SummerBowl and a LBN League on line. I traveled around Europe to assist to different tournaments including Schnitzelbowl (Vienna), Triple Skull Team Cup (Modena), Rugbowl (Toulousse) and 2007 WC (Nottingham).
I run out the SkullCup since 2006 with my league mates from the LBN. We also organize other smaller tournaments like WinterBowl or Random Rampage!. I collaborate to organize some other tournaments like Dirty Player Cup (Valencia) or Tabira Bowl (Durango, Basque Country). I also propose some changes in the NAF (public accounts, more information) as well as the organization of continental team tournaments in the same way than NAF WC.
The SkullCup'09My proper education includes a degree in Biology and Biochemistry and a PhD in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine. I work in Barcelona as Post-doc fellow at IRB (Institute for Research in Biomedicine) Barcelona performing research against cancer.
I think I am very enthusiastic GW hobby player, and very interested in transformation, sculpting and painting too. I usually play Warhammer with an Empire army and also have a samurai-based Skaven army ongoing. I play also WH40K with Tau, and still working on an Eldar army all made in plastic. I also love to play board games, being Game of Thrones, Space Hulk, Bang! and Jungle Speed my favourites.
My other hobbies include books (Being James Clavell’s Shogun one of my favourites), music and TV series also, which I consider better than most of actual movies.
My candidature is based mainly in three goals to be achieved, which include particular initiatives to promote them.
1- Proactivity
2- More information
3- More participation
ProactivityIn the first point, I think at this moment we could have a better NAF. For me, this is not a question to think about if people who took care until now do it well or not. I think it is time to consider if we want just let it go as in past years, or if we want to have something better.
Often, my personal concerns about NAF were took as attacks or personal criticisms to the present NAF organization. This is an incorrect point of view. In my day by day work, I am subjected to criticisms which help me to improve my work. Moreover, I am obligated to active thinking in how improve my research.
I do believe we could extrapolate a proactive thinking to the NAF, not just to conform with what we already have, but to try to get more and better.
In this particular point, we have many things to consider, including the improvement of the website/forum, revision of tournament organization (in terms of new Majors and NAF WC) etc.
For me, the past mode of action was just to re-act (and even them, sometimes) to questions. We improved a little NAF utilities, image or benefits. I guess in past 4 years we only got the NAF WC (which, for sure, was an incredible achievement) and the face off output of the ranking. Too less for 4 years of enthusiastic people working on it, in my oppinion. Last achievement was the public accounts here in the forum, one issue that was demanded by me, not coming from NAF statements as interesting info. Same we have with the proposed newsletter, another idea proposed form the outside.
In next points, I offer a new vision of NAF, proactive in terms of improvements, more open and more participative, to bring all together something better. Not because it is bad or poor now, just because I think to improve things is always desirable.
More information
More information was demanded so many times and from a number of different NAF members. To have open decisions (in terms of knowledge of members), clear accounts, and well know responsibles for any goal proposed will be necessary. It was necessary that some of us to ask about to get something from NAF. I think this is not the way.
As NAF is supported by its members, their members deserve the right to know what is going on inside this organization. People taking decisions (like NAF WC venue) are not known, a number of “very experienced players” decide things related with this organization whithout any information about who they are, so having no chance for members to express opinion about their work.
I guess NAF today is such an obscure organization, who don’t involve nor encourage new members to be involved in more than get some dice and a ranking.
More participationTaking into account past two points, it is difficult to perform new projects. And moreover, to get help from very skilled members that could collaborate to improve NAF traits.
As said, to date decision and organization of any kind of initiative wasn’t made public, wasn’t request help from members and also wasn’t inform the bulk of members of the organization.
To achieve future improvements of NAF, I consider build a recruitment of members for particular issues. These members, organized and coordinated by NAF could then help the organization in the consecution of goals in that they are interested in.
Cooperation between members and cooperative committees, that join under NAF coordination, work to achieve a particular improvement, and then ends their work and get dissolved are the better way to get members involved in NAF, and NAF to enhance their possibilities of improvement.
Beside these general ideas of NAF updating, I have some particular issues to consider in terms of ideas to be discussed and performed.
Improve NAF website. I propose to change not only the design to a more friendly user one, but also to provide members a web portal to organize leagues and tournaments, for members that could not get a proper website from their own. This portal also will improve NAF results submission.
Complement NAF ranking. I do consider to perform a NAF STATs beside NAF ranking, in which match records from members will be saved without appliying the coefficient to calculate NAF points. In such database, based only in Win/tie/loss points, members could filter results to check their statistics by different rulesets.
Promote the organization of Continental NAF Team Tournaments. In the way of the very successful NAF WC, to provide all NAF members a big NAF team tournament every two years, and at least one big NAF team tournament in their continent every 4 years.
Work to better explain NAF accounts before of 2009. For the knowledge of members interested in.
Make NAF more democratic. Add to the NAF TO position some responsibility to inform NAF members of their country the decisions took by NAF in their language. And also give NAF members the opportunity to vote in elections by their regional forums, subjected to NAF TO coordination.
Enhance NAF support for tournaments. With new trophies, advantages and help, considering the sanctioning of new Majors.