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 Ostend Brawl - saturday 6th of august (BEL)

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Ostend Brawl - saturday 6th of august (BEL) Empty
MessageSujet: Ostend Brawl - saturday 6th of august (BEL)   Ostend Brawl - saturday 6th of august (BEL) Icon_minitimeSam 9 Juil - 9:30

Driesfield a écrit:
The tournament has been moved from Sunday to Saturday.

Old Worlde gaming club
Zinnialaan 1
8400 Oostende


All teams are placed in tiers.
Depending on the tier you get an amount of money to buy a team and allocate a number of skills.
All money must be spend when you create the team.
Skills can be allocated after the draw is known and can be stacked.
Starplayers are allowed and so are bribes for goblins and a halfling masterchef.
No wizards or inducements.
Fouling casualties, crowd pushes and casualties which would generate spps count as casualties.


Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead, Wood Elf
1,100,000 gcs and 1 skill before each round

Tier 2: High Elf, Elf, Human, Necromantic
1,150,000 gcs and 2 skills before each round

Tier 3: Nurgle, Slann, Vampire, Underworld, Khemri, Chaos Pact, Chaos
1,200,000 gcs and 3 skills before each round

Tier 4: Goblins, Halflings, Ogres
1,250,000 gcs, 2 skills and 1 double before each round


The venue opens at 9h

Round 1: 10h15 to 12h30
Round 2: 13h to 15h15
Round 3: 15h15 to 17h30

Ceremonie at 17h35.

There will be no overtime for the rounds. When the timelimit is exceeded the match automatically ends. The 4-minute rule is not enforced unless someone takes more then time every turn.
The referee has the final call for time and rules.
If the rounds end earlier then the schedule will also be moved up.

The fee

Entryfee is 6€ and to be payed on the day of the tournament.
90% de chances que j'y sois!
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Ostend Brawl - saturday 6th of august (BEL)
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