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On Sunday 13.07.2014 the TriRhena Cup V will take place in Liestal, near Basel, Switzerland.
Will be hosted the day after the Monster Brawl IX. Yes, it's going to be one day tourney, but a damn full day!
Complete address is:
Gymnasium Liestal
Friedensstrasse 20
4410 Liestal
inscription cost will be 10 CHF or 8 Euro for NAF members.
Non-NAF members will have to register in NAF too and it will cost an additional 10 CHF or 8 Euro for the NAF registration, including the NAF dices if still available.
The school has a cafeteria inside so lunch will be provided for 8 CHF.
If you plan to arrive on Saturday afternoon or evening there is the possibility to sleep inside the place of the tournament at no cost if you bring your own sleeping bag (or blankets) but you have to tell in advance the organizer team how many people are going to sleep inside.
The tournament will be NAF ranked.
The rules will be based on the Competition Rules Pack and all 24 races are allowed (including Slann, Underworld and Chaos Pact).
Tier 1: Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dwarf, Wood Elf, Undead, Lizardmen, Skaven, Orcs, Dark Elf
TV 1050 + 60k for the skills
Tier 2: Norse, Elf, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Slann
TV 1050 + 90k for the skills
Tier 3: Chaos, Chaos Pact, Nurgle, Vampire
TV 1050 + 120k for the skills
Tier 4: Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld
TV 1050 + 180k for the skills + possibility to give up to 2 skills to a single player
The additional money can be spent at the normal available cost for normal (20k) and doubles (30k) skills, no stat increases allowed.
All skills are assigned at time of roster creation and cannot be changed for the duration of the tournament.
It's not allowed to assign more than 1 skill to each player of teams in tier 1, 2 and 3.
The organization may not be able to check all team rosters so please keep a spare copy of your team roster in case your opponent needs to check it out.
There will be three games: point system will be 3-1-0(W-D-L)
Tie breakers: opponent score, net TD, net CAS, coin toss
Rules for 4 minutes turns and illegal procedures are not enforced unless both coaches agree on it but matches must be over in 2 hours 15 minutes.
Magic healing after every match.
Undead and necromantic teams can add a dead opponent's player as a zombie for the remaining duration of the match; when the match is over the zombie is gone.
Nurgle teams cannot add a rotter during the game.
First round will be drawn randomly and the next will be swiss (of course!)
Inducements allowed:
1.) Hafling teams can include a Master Chef in the team roster (at the same price as inducement on Competition Rules Pack).
2.) Bribes for Goblin and Halfling Teams (at the same price as inducement on Competition Rules Pack).
3.) Halfling and Goblin teams can have maximum 1 Star Player in the roster.
The prizes:
1. Place
2. Place
3. Place
Most TD (a miniature sponsored by Gaspez Arts)
Most CAS (a miniature sponsored by Gaspez Arts)
Timetable: Sunday, 13.07.2014
09:00 - 09:30 Registration
09:45 - 12:00 Game 1
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:15 Game 2
15:30 - 17:45 Game 3
2 hours 15 minutes allowed for each game.
If you want to attend the tournament please write to dajegasATgmailDOTcom including your NAF nickname, NAF number, team race and team name.
Looking forward to see you!