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 les Orga de la WC font appel aux artistes !

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les Orga de la WC font appel aux artistes ! Empty
MessageSujet: les Orga de la WC font appel aux artistes !   les Orga de la WC font appel aux artistes ! Icon_minitimeMar 30 Jan 2007 - 10:31

La NAF organisant la WC fait appel aux talents artistiques :

Request for Submissions - NAF World Cup Prize Miniatures

The NAF will be casting a limited edition 12 figure Blood Bowl team to be given away DURING EACH DAY of the inaugural NAF World Cup. To accomplish this, the NAF staff is inviting anyone interested to submit sketches, drawings or pictures from which sculpted greens may be cast. The guidelines are as follows:

(1) anyone may submit as many drawings or sketches as they wish;

(2) for each drawing selected, the artist or designer will receive one (1) finished team as a thank you gift;

(3) Initially the plan is that there will be a total of five positions which comprise the team: 2 Blitzers, 2 Blocker/Blitzers, 2 Throwers, 2 Catchers, and 4 linemen. While this alignment has a natural bias towards the Human race, should there be exciting and compelling submissions for another race, this may change. In other words, if you’ve been dreaming of the most incredible looking dwarf team of all time, go for it.

(4) a maximum of three hundred (300) of the complete team will be produced as per-day gifts for those coaches/teams attending the 2007 World Cup;

(5) all submissions will be posted to the NAF website to invite commentary and suggestion from the membership and a straw poll will be taken. The final determination of which concepts will be sculpted and cast will be made by the NAF staff;

(6) all submissions should be in a common graphic format (JPG, BMP, etc etc) at the lowest possible resolution which still displays the art well, and sent via email to:
with the subject “NAF mini drawing” clearly indicated in the subject or topic line;

(7) the deadline for submission will be 5PM EST, February 20th, 2007, with the selections being announced during the first week of March.

A separate topic will be posted on the NAF forum with all submissions given a number and made viewable. We encourage positive commentary about the ideas submitted but please, no flaming or lobbying.

Any questions should be directed to Jim Lanier, NAF Treasurer via email:

Will a moderator please sticky this post? Thanks! DONE!

=>En gros, ils vont créer une équipe pour la WC, faites des dessins de joueurs et 12 seront produit, les vainqueurs recevront une équipes ainsi créée gratuitement !!!!
Edition limitée bien sur.
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les Orga de la WC font appel aux artistes !
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