La GBLR organise un tournoi sur une journée en partenariat avec le magasin Wargame Spirit le samedi 11 janvier 2020.
RDV à 10H pour les inscriptions, lancement de la première ronde à 10H30.
Trois rondes au format Eurobowl :
Team creation
- 1100k for a standard building a team and the inducements
- minimum 11 players must be included in a team and no more than 16 including star Players
- At least 11 standard roster players before any star Player
- each team may buy 0-1 NAF-approved star Players
- 0-8 Re-Rolls
- Assistant coaches - Cheerleaders - 0-1
Apothecary or Igor, depending on race
- 0-9 Fan Factor
- Inducements. The cost will be as following and will count for all 6 games
- 0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs for each 50 kgp
- 0-3 Bribes for each 100 kgp, for Goblins only for each 50 kgp
- 0-1 Masterchef for 300 kgp, for Halfings only 100 kgp
- 0-1 NAF-approved star players for their regular cost
Additonal cash: You can use additonal cash afer spending whole starting budget. Each non spent amount from starting budget is lost and cannot be used with additonal one.
- each team has additonal cash based on their Tier that can be spent on additonal skills, players, star players and inducements
- the cost of the additonal skill is:
20k for normal skill
30k for double skills
- maximum one player in each team can stack an additonal skill, the second of the stacked skill costs 30k, both skills have to be normal skills
- maximum one player in each team from tier 1-3 can have one double skill
- maximum two players in each team from tier 4-6 can have one double skill
- star players may not receive additonal skills
- the Skill "Piling On" will be used according to Death Zone 1, i.e. Team Re-Roll is required to use
Tier 1 - 100k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Amazons, Dark Elves, Dwarves, Lizardmen, Norse, Wood Elves, Undead
Tier 2 - 120k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Chaos Dwarves, Orcs, Skaven, Necromantc
Tier 3 - 140k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Bretonnians, Humans, Chaos
Tier 4 - 170k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Chaos Renegades, Elf Union, High Elves, Khemri, Nurgle, Slann
Tier 5 - 200k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Daemons of Khorne, Underworld Denizens, Vampires
Tier 6 - 230k for skills/players/star players/inducements: Goblins, Halfings, Ogres
Règles utilisées : règles NAF 2020
-un PDF général édité par la NAF : PDF complémentaire édité par GW avec liste de rosters et de champions : Ecrasement fonctionne sans relance
- Star Players Legacy autorisés
- Skinks Caméléons autorisés
15€ repas compris
Stationnement en parkings relais possible plus d'astuces à venir.
Participants : 19
Mad Coach
Monsieur DUR
M leud
Only Inhumans2
Only Inhumans3